What if I have found a place to live and have made arrangements with the owner to rent it?

If you have already chosen a suitable accommodation and agreed with the owner to sign a contract with Najem okazjonalny, you need to provide a guarantee from the other owner of the accommodation in Poland at the time of signing the rental contract. This is an important step required by Polish law, which protects both parties to the rental agreement.

In order to sign a rental agreement with Najem okazjonalny, the tenant is required to provide a guarantee from another landlord in Poland confirming the availability of alternative accommodation in case of eviction. Such a document is called “Oświadczenie o wyrażenie zgody na zamieszkanie w lokalu zastępczym” – it is a statement of a third party (another landlord) confirming the willingness to provide you with the document. Without this document you will not be able to rent a home with a rental agreement Najem okazjonalny!

Preparing such a surety may seem like a daunting task, especially if you do not have acquaintances willing to act as guarantors. However, we are ready to help! Our company provides this surety bond service, ensuring that you fully comply with all legal requirements for signing a lease with Najem okazjonalny.

With us, the process of preparing the documents is easier and faster. We will fully take care of the entire process of producing the document. Order our surety and rent your chosen accommodation without any problems!

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